
About this App

“Call–a–Doctor”, is a service that allows patients to speak with and receive treatment from a doctor online, is an affordable and convenient way to treat your medical issues.


Aguiyi Ironsi, Cantonment Shopping Mall,

Asokoro, Abuja, FCT. Nigeria

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is an e-medics services

Regardless of whether you have National Health Insurance, which most Nigerians do not, doctor’s visits can be expensive for the average Nigerian. With hidden fees and unexpected charges, going to the doctor is a necessary but bank-breaking part of life.

However, there is a growing alternative that allows you to save some money and the hassle of visiting a brick-and-mortar doctor’s office when you’re too busy or probable too sick to even get out of bed.

Contacting a virtual doctor might be a new experience for some. It might also seem complex to individuals who have never done it before. In reality, virtual consultations are easy and convenient to set up. Call-a-Doctor gives you the flexibility of contacting a Certified doctor wherever and whenever you need medical help for non-emergency medical conditions

An affordable and convenient way to treat your medical issues, regardless of your insurance status, you have a right to affordable healthcare

Our Mission

At Call-a-Doctor, the goal is simple. Driven by the need to support clients and members in their quest for more flexibility when structuring their ideal virtual care and wellness programs, Call-a-Doctor has purposefully forged relationships with medical vendors and service providers.

And by doing so, not only can we provide the flexibility that is our namesake, but we also have the tools, technology and know-how to efficiently connect patients and providers by phone, email and video for secure, efficient and high-quality care.

In summary,

  • Saves members time by avoiding the wait associated with getting an appointment as well as waiting in the waiting room.
  • Saves members the hassle of driving across town and taking time off work.
  • Saves members money otherwise spent on more expensive urgent care and ER visits.
  • Provides App (iPhone/Android) access to the medical team. Ask any medical or health questions and always get personal, direct answers.
  • Can be used as often as needed, is confidential, and includes the entire immediate family.
While Call-a-Doctor can’t treat every condition, it’s an affordable and convenient alternative to an in-person doctor’s visits.

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